Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Meet Our Teams

The Vermont Bike Trip has started. The groups have been formed and they are all figuring out where they are going.
The first blog entry will be to introduce us to your group and tell us a little bit about your trip. Please remember to use only first names. Give us a little teaser about your trip. Things you should include: Theme, desitinations, length of trip, etc.

1 comment:

7-8 Math said...

EXAMPLE - Hi - The name of our group is the Vermont Windbreakers. Our team members are Fred, Wilma, Barney and Wilma. We are going to visit anything dealing with rocks. So this includes Barre and many other small attractions throughout the state. We are planning on spending 3 days on the trip. We need to work on the route still and will map it out in our next meeting.